
Care Management

Do you know an older person or family member who is having difficulty continuing to function independently?

Is your older relative going to several physicians and taking numerous prescriptions without keeping track of their uses, correct dosages or potential side affects?

Is deteriorating health or mental status of a loved one causing concerns, and you’re not sure where to turn for help?

You could benefit from the services of a Professional Geriatric Care Manager.

A Geriatric Care Manager (GCM), also known as an Aging Life Care Consultant, is a professional who specializes in assisting older people and their families with problem solving, identifying and utilizing community resources and making long term care arrangements. With educational and professional training and licensure in Social work and Gerontology, our professional Geriatric Care Manager, Carol Franzen provides an extensive assessment of an individual’s current level of functioning and develops a plan for resolving problems and assuring the individual’s physical, social and psychological needs are being addressed. Ongoing support and coordination of care can be provided following the assessment, tailored to meet the needs of the client.